Ok... so after discussing my power steering box mounting problem, the movement of the box and the options for relocation... I did a little experiment before I just ripped into the project.
first off... the "crack" that was pictured here is not a crack at all, but a scratch in the paint:
so I got that going for me, which is nice. The frame aint cracked.
but I did a little filming before I took off the box... and this is what I found... the problem might be 2 fold... my box might be shot. There is a significant dead spot in the box with the engine running or not (pump working or not). You can see the amount of input shaft input that results in no output shaft movement. Keep in mind this is with both wheels off the ground, no resistantance in the system at all. Is she kaput?
and the follow up question... if its kaput... what box is it (year, out of what)? who sells new/rebuilt ones?
I've got to take it off anyway to put the Capt.Fab plate on, so if I need a new one its no biggie... but if I dont have to spend the $ on a new/rebuilt one I wont... if this amount of play seems way out of spec I'll get a new box in a heartbeat and fix my problem... looking for answers... and a good handling truck
thanks in advance.