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Old 07-07-2010, 04:22 AM   #10
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Re: Tremec swap to SM318 bellhousing? measurements on bell? (GMC)

Sorry to dredge up a 2 y/o thread, but can anyone shed some light on the$1000 NV3500 adapter kit that Chuck78 is talking about?

I have looked at a few of these transmissions and they all had what seemed like a normal Chevy bellhousing except for the fork and slave. I know I would need to convert to hydraulic clutch linkage and also get either a Cable-X or an electric speedo, but there is no way I can see $1000 there. Please tell me what the adapter does and, if possible, post a link to it.

Thanks in advance.


Last edited by raycow; 07-07-2010 at 12:38 PM.
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