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Old 07-08-2010, 12:22 PM   #48
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Location: Maple Grove, MN
Posts: 149
Re: Anyone else done with Oriley Auto parts?

I have to say that I have never had a problem with any parts store I've dealt with. O'Reilly, Autozone, Carquest, NAPA, Advance, dealership, etc. That's because I know my vehicles and the parts that go on them. I have found that all have about the same prices and brands. There is a lot of choices, so I go where the price is right, or brand is right. I have never walked into anywhere and said, "do you have this...?". We all have the internet obviously and access to a world of information, including the stores websites. I do my homework beforehand and make sure I have a correct part number, best price, and check inventory on line, or call them. Then I show up, give them the facts, and I'm out. I open the box, look at it, make sure it's right, and leave. I don't stand around a B.S. with them, and am courteous and quick. I have never had anywhere refuse to return a part for me either, electronic or not. My Dad owned a parts store and a dealership when I was a kid, and I worked in the parts store during the 80's. There were no computers for me to look parts up on, only a mile long row of parts books. I learned a lot this way. Now days, the stores and employees rely on the computers to give them the info they need. This is just the world today. Me spending a bit of time at home during my research, saves myself, the parts guy, and other customers time and frustration. Saying all of this, I do wish the parts computers existed in the 80's when I worked at my Dad's Carquest. Thumbing through all those books sucked!
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