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Old 07-08-2010, 06:10 PM   #3
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Re: rolling the rear fender lip

jack up the the side your doing,,,slip a Wood Baseball bat in between the tire and the wheel opening...slowly , carefully roll the tire with the bat rolling the lip till you have it as far as you need.....
I have used the baseball bat method many times when I used to work at a tire store & have done it on my 66. Start with a smaller diameter section of a wood bat that barely fits between the tire & wheel well. Hold the bat at about a 60 degree angle & have someone slowly drive the car forward & backward allowing the bat to roll. Use larger section of the bat after several rolls. Two items to consider:
1- Do not use this method if you have chrome wheel well openings.
2- This will get only about 3/4" of extra clearance but the inner lip will be smooth & won't cut your tire if it should rub.
Measure with a yard stick
Mark with Chalk
Cut with a torch

Built it yourself, don't count on others to to do it for you or with you. It will never get done
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