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Old 07-08-2010, 11:17 PM   #20
86 Scottsdale
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Mooresville NC
Posts: 473
Re: Project: 69 C10 "Junk Yard Dog"

After the hose was changed, I proceeded to rebleed the brakes. The back wheels went pretty well, but when I made my way up front I noticed fluid dripping out of the bottom of a drum. Figured it was a wheel cylinder, so we took the wheel and drum off to get a look.

The left front wheel cylinder was shot, and the shoes were all spider cracked. I figured if one wheel looked that bad, they were all going to be in sad shape. After inspection, the drums were in great shape, and we were able to reuse them without needing to have them turned. $100 and a trip to NAPA later, I had new wheel cylinders and shoes for all four corners.

Got the new goodies installed, made 2 more full rounds of bleeding, and hit the road. SUCCESS! Slammed on the brakes from about 35mph in a vacant parking lot, and it woah'ed right down like I knew it was capable of.
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