Originally Posted by (541)COLD_beer
give it to me then you wont have to worrie about it anymore. 
You can buy it, that way I can get my aftermarket chassis for my Goat!
Originally Posted by staggerd86c-10
The djm drop kit is pretty reasonable on summit, i think its under 600 bucks with the c-notch and all, you can go wrong with that, you never told us how much money you had to play with. I still stand by what I say once you drop it, it might be the scratch to your itch and you might just spend that money and save the rest for your future projects.
I have about 3500-4000 to play with. The reason for the brake kit was because it comes with a drop spindle up front and that way I would just have to buy springs and a flip kit for the rest of the truck. Thats why I wanted to buy those together dont want to end up with 2 sets of drop spindles.
Originally Posted by Jonboy
If you are looking to go with the CPP brakes, get their modular spindles, and do it at the same time. I bought my drop from CPP, and it was less than very reasonable. I didn't do the modular spindles since I wasn't changing brakes, but everything else I got from them was WC stuff. PM CPP JEFF and he will hook you up.
Thats exactly what I would be doing, Getting their front brake kit that comes with the modular drop spindle, I was going to call them to see what they all had to offer for my truck. You got all of your drop stuff from them? That would be cool to order it all from the same place rather then a bunch of different websites and pay multiple shipping charges.