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Old 07-09-2010, 06:07 PM   #7
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Location: London, Ontairio
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Re: love at first sight?

My very first memory, i mean first. Maybe only a year old. Was my mom holding me walking down the driveway, as my father was tinkering with his 76, light blue with a white topper. Thats all i remember, it was sold a couple years later due to the birth of my baby brother. The only time i saw it was that day, i don't remember ever seeing it again. Only the one memory. As the many years past and i was closer to driving all i would dream of myself driving was a square. All i would draw when i was a kid were squares and camaros. Which brings me to the present day, 1987 GMC Wrangler. Mint. I love every min. of it. And i would not let it go for the world. Funny how every dream, memory, and imagination would lead me to buying my dream truck.

Also as a side note... my dad somtimes drives with me in my square, as he tells me cool old stories of his truck and reminisses of his. "really takes me back" he will say. Theres nothing like a father son bond in an old truck
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1987 GMC Wrangler - 305TBI/TH400/Duals
1968 Camaro - Resto
2010 Ranger

I only drive truck 6 months a year... Dam Canadian winters.

Last edited by 87GMCChris; 07-09-2010 at 06:11 PM. Reason: added pic and grammer change.
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