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Old 07-10-2010, 07:09 AM   #12
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Re: love at first sight?

The first time i noticed a squarebody truck was the Fall Guy tv show in the 80´s
and i loved it eversince then!
In ´87 i traveled to the US and there i met my father who picked me up in his brandnew 87 K 20 Scottsdale Longbed!
We drove around for one day and he showed me his little ranch and horses and introduced me to my two brothers and one sister !
I was overwhelmed from all the impressions and i still fight with my feelings sometimes but that Squarebody truck was like a tatoo to my brain! i loved it!
He gave it away in 2004 with only 87k miles on it!
In the early 90´s there was a nice blue K 10 shortbed in a used car lot around here and i dreamed of it but it was very expensive!
One day i had some money saved and wanted to buy a truck -- a ´56 Ford F 100 --- and when i came to look at it there was this big black dieselpowered Sqaurebody for sale and i bought it! That was in ´93! I fell in love with it and i still love it.Especially after building it up for about 15 years but thats another story!
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my dad!
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my dad´s 87
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my truck after i bought it!
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my truck now!
My little US vehicle parts business:
Come have a look!

´81 GMC C 10, Spanish Red
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