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Old 07-11-2010, 04:09 PM   #11
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Re: I think I found a truck for me, please give your opinions.(PICS)

I've done the 67 -72 body onto 70's 4wd swap. You end up with the appearance of the body lift because of the difference in the frames. That's also why the front bumper looks the way it does. I'd also say the cab is just a tad too far forward, hence the bend in the steering rod. The mirrors are angled because they are off 73 & up ( I have a beater with a set just like them!)

I'd say this was a "left over parts" build - red dash & arm rests, blue seat, 68 title, 72 cab, 69 -70 front clip. I'd want to "meet the feller that done it" or see evidence of good work.

But, several things would be warning signs to me - the broken stops & no rear shocks mentioned before, I noticed no e brake cable to the pass rear.

I'd say this is not any where close to a 4k truck. IF it runs exceptionally well, drives nice, has good tires, is solid body wise - especially underneath & in roof, and has other desirable qualities, I'd say $2500 or less maybe - but I'll bet he's too proud of it for that. On this one you'd better feel like you stole it, because there's some things that need attention.
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