Thread: SM465 Rear Seal
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Old 07-12-2010, 07:03 PM   #1
RuralRoute C-30
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SM465 Rear Seal

Has anyone replaced the rear output seal in one of these transmissions?

Searched the forum here and everywhere else I can think of for a cross-over part # with no luck. Dealership says "not available/discontinued". Trying not to buy an entire rebuild kit for just a rear seal so thought I'd toss this question out here.

Darn seal doesn't even show up in some of the schematics I've looked at but it leaks just enough to annoy right behind the yoke for the driveshaft. Since I have it out of the truck and cleaned up/painted I figure now is the time to repair it with it out of the truck for this clutch job. Wiped off some paint and still can't seem to find a readable number on the old seal or from any other source to reference it to a new one.

Suggestions before it goes to a transmission shop?

I hesitate to take the rear completely apart as I don't know what is coming out with the yoke compared to replacing that front retainer which is 4 bolts/gasket and seal.

1985 Chevy C-30 Hydraulic Dump Bed
2001 Saturn SC2 (go to work car)
2010 PT Cruiser (wife's car)

"Reality is just a hallucination brought on by lack of alcohol."
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