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Old 07-15-2010, 01:12 AM   #7
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Posts: 3
Re: Need advice on truck...

If i could id like to find one that is driveable and then upgrade things as i go...not sure if that takes more time than just starting from the ground up from the beginning but if I could get one from someone that had it as a project car and just couldnt finish it out that may be easier...i want it to be my DD so the less down time the better...just not sure how much a running one would cost. Fleabay has them for between 3k and 10k i believe for running ones...

oh and thanks for the link, just read through all 24 pages of my low53's build and my eyes hurt and my brain feels like its going to explode! a lot of useful info there, looks like he went with a MII front end and boxed the frame and did a 2" C-notch...anyone have any insight on how powerful the stock inline 6 is?
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