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Old 07-15-2010, 06:05 PM   #8
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Re: What does a 87 2wd Blazer weigh?

The frame I got is a 87 4WD Blazer and I'm putting a 78 truck cab on it with a shortened bed. I'm also converting the Blazer to 2wd. Thanks for pointing out about the year. I guess I need to rephrase my question. What is the weight of a 73-84 2wd Blazer?
I found specs for the 4wd K5's online. They were heavy beasts around 4300-4400lbs. I did a comparison of a C10 compared to a K10 of similar body and the difference was about 1200-1400lbs. Assuming that would apply to 2wd and 4wd Blazers, the 2wd should be around 3000-3200lbs. That would be awesome if that's the way it works out.
1982 Silverado - SBE, cleaned up GM heads, small cam, TH350, 850 Demon, 4.56 gears, and caltracs.
Best time so far 11.8@XXXMPH

Last edited by team39763; 07-15-2010 at 06:18 PM.
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