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Old 07-16-2010, 03:17 PM   #47
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Re: Ideas on converting my 2wd Burb to a 4X??

Well, it has been "quite a while" since I last updated this thread, but alas I am still at it, just kinda slowly!! I took on a new job a while back and that hasn't worked out so well, so I'll have a bit of free time on my hands in a week or so Bright side is I believe everything happens for a reason, and that HE doesn't close a door where he doesn't open a window somewhere else. OH and I have some time and motivation to work on my "junk" as a move will again be in my semi near future so running vehicles load on a trailer much easier!! Check out some picts as of today!!

So here are some picts of the K30 donor truck. The big black bag is the 4-bolt main 350 that runs like a sewing machine! Then the th400/205 transfer case, and then the truck. I really feel bad about picking this truck clean since it is a really nice "clean" truck, but I bought it for the dana 60 front end and it is taking up way too much space!! Oh Oh Oh check out those knarley 16.5"X8" 8-lug wheels, yeah those'll go on something in the very near future. BFG and a few others make a 33 and 35" tall tire in a 16.5 so they are still practical and they look, well B@D @ZZ!!

A random thought, I guess I could search this info and I will if I don't get a response here, but will the frame from the K30 "fit" under the burb?? The reason I ask is that the truck frame is spotless and has all the "stuff" for a 4X without all the mods I still need to do along with the ones I have already done?? Any ideas?? I know ANYTHING can be made to fit, but is it pretty easy??
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Last edited by 70rs/ss; 07-16-2010 at 03:20 PM.
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