Thread: Wow...
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Old 07-18-2010, 10:34 PM   #11
"Oh well, it's a driver."
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Re: Wow...

I'm with you dnorris. Raising all that money for the B&G clubs was a nice touch, but he still could have found a way to do that without breaking the hearts of an entire state.

It would be like if you went out with the same beautiful girl all through high school, knowing the whole time she was slightly out of your league...but she was faithful to you, and you were happy, although you were always a little nervous that she might dump you one day. Then one day during your senior year, she gets up on stage in the auditorium, in front of the whole school, and announces that she's dumping you for the star quarterback.

As a Heat fan, of course I'm glad Miami got him...but as a sports fan in general, I was disappointed in the way he left Cleveland.
- JB - '93 C1500 SHORT/FLEET SILVERADO, 350/4L60E

Originally Posted by Tom Petty
I don't know, but I've been told: You never slow down, you never grow old.
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