Originally Posted by Turkey
I think it's a spectre. I was able to spend some time and get it working again this afternoon. I found the paperwork and it just says universal 3 speed floor shifter installation. No real brand name on the paperwork for some reason. I guess it's what you get will el cheapo.
In the pic of the shifter from DPowers you can see the centre bolt that goes right thru the shifter arms and the main body of the shifter and has a nut on the other side. This bolt keeps the shifter mechanism tight. When it loosens off the shifter becomes sloppy and when you shift the arm doesn't pull it out of first.
The cure!!! Drill a hole thru the nut and bolt and install a cotter key. Tighten the shifter up first to take out the slop. You can see the thru bolt in my pic. The second from the top. You can just barely see the cotter key. I beleive your spectre shifter is the same. I think I drilled it to a 1/8 inch size.