Originally Posted by Chionos GMs
Some of us told you drive it around a bit. Sorry to sound like a smartass.At least it was 5 miles and not 105 miles! What are your plans? How does it run at an idle?
Yes i should have driven it around town more, i was kinda holding my family up and decided as soon as it seems okay im going for it. I should have left it at my buddys house where i picked it up from.
The only plan i came up with is... It had a towbar my uncle installed, (probably because it left him on foot enough times) I took it off and gave it to my buddy for his jeep. Im going to barrow a 3/4 dodge and call my friend to see if i can use my old tow bar to drag this truck up here to ruidoso, (assuming its there tomorrow).
Once its here im not screwing around anymore, my dad informed me he had an extra set of 305 heads so i will switch them out. Im not sure if my carb leaned out and burned valves but just to be safe im going to buy a new quadrajet.
The idle was good, it did not rev up like it had a vacuum leak, it was rough but thats probibly because it had a dead cylinder. The carburetor acted fine the whole time i drove around town.