Thread: $900
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Old 07-22-2010, 08:26 PM   #23
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Re: $900

Weather was cool enough today for me to get some work done, so I took out the th450. Everything went smooth except the cooler lines. The previous owner used about 6 pounds of red loctite on the connectors and they're not coming off. Theres some poor craftsmanship at the radiator end of the cooler lines as well so i just cut them and declared them scrap. I dont expect generic brake lines to be expensive so i'll just bend some up when i put the 700 in.

I was surprised to find the 700 is almost the exact same length as the 350, I was really expecting the 700 to be longer. Looks like the tail piece of the 350 is longer than it needs to be, maybe thats for a reason. My 700 is from a mid 80's chevy half ton, I think. Tonight Im gonna read all about wiring the TCS to lock up by itself in 4th, the way to do it without the brake and vacuum switches.
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