I have a lot of parts that i want to get rid of. there is nothing wrong with them and i will be happy to tell you about them, but i currently do not have any pics and wont be able to get any. If they dont sell here they will be on ebay soon, but i thought that i would offer them here first.
1. HD clutch & flywheel off a v8, both have less than 200 miles since being new. 170 for both
2. 3 dashes..., 2 67-68, 1 70s. 20 for the two that both work, 10 for the other, some gauges work some dont in that one.
3. 2 barrel manifold, carb and ari cleaner with riser. all ran perfect when i removed them... 75 for it ALL. (Carb & Air Cleaner SOLD) Best Offer on Manifold
4. high hump tranny cover. blue in color and good condition. no rust. 30
5. complete master clyinder out of 68 chevy. has rod to brake pedal. non-power. 50
6. washer bottle and bracket. complete. 20
Theres more but thats enough for now... email me with requests or obo's...
nt_expert@hotmail.com. all parts plus ride