Originally Posted by sv10001975
Look John, I will tell you this one time. YOU made the offer on my K&N top not me, all I did was counter offer your ridiculously low and sarcastic offer. If I would of thought that you were not being sarcastic I would of gladly sold it to you if you payed the freight for your offer because I will never use it. Forward to all the moderators you want, but I did nothing wrong. I have never made an offer to sell anything on this site to anyone, because these are the rules of the site. Quit acting like a tat-l-tell and just deal with the consequences of your remarks.
cut the crap... use the report a post button and dont carry on pissing matches.
BTW board rules do apply to pm too.. if someone reports your pm, its the same as reporting a post.
I suggest if someone offends you, that you use the report a post feature in the future.
My goodness ya'll need to grow up