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Old 07-23-2010, 02:42 PM   #1
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Wish we could save them all!

I drive by an old truck (prob an 69-72 Chevy not sure haven't been close enough to it) everyday that's sitting in a field and I tell myself every day " I need to go talk to that guy about getting that truck" but then remember I have one already that's more then enough project for me.

Just makes me wonder how many of these have been left out there to die. hidden treasures so to speak guess its in the eye of the beholder to where one guy looks at this thing lost in the bushes and can see a hot ratted out shop truck, and another just see's it as a pile of junk in his way. maybe I'll stop one day and talk to the guy who knows.

Here's a pic I took yesterday, pretty overgrown but it looked decent from a distance in the winter. poor thing!!

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1967 Stepper built and about to be rebuilt in Atlanta, GA
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