Originally Posted by mbgmike
That is an original style bracket. called a bell crank a delco booster should fit. We put these kits together all the time they are 3.3/8In
you may have gotten a Bendix booster. do you have the old booster. you can tell by looking at them what you have. Most Bendix's were black and Delco Moraines were anodized. The delco's also had the female part of the housing to the front like pic
Thanks for the reply...The combo I got is the delco, like a dummy I turned in the old booster for the core...I should have waited to see if it was the right one...How can I tell before ordering that it is the right one, most websites and parts stores don't have that description / measurement?...The old one was black but I think it had been painted, it was more rounded like your picture..
Thanks again.