I spent the weekend rebuilding the vent window and replacing all the rubber in the window and am a bit stumped.
I think I may have the wrong parts as the two pieces that actually go on the bottom of the window opening (The part of the door where you put your arm on for cruisin!) don't look like they could possibly fit.
In addition to not fitting at all (they are way too long) I am not sure which piece should go on which side of the door. (which part for the outside and which part goes on the interior.
I have a '68 C-10 and I think it has the standard trim package. There really isn't enough left of the original pieces to tell anything about them.
Does anyone have some really close up pictures (possibly with the window rolled down) of the bottom window trim? I am stumped and just hoping that I have the wrong parts.
Muchos Gracias!!!