Originally Posted by WigglesTheHoly
If I were having troubles like this I think I would have gone back through the motor one more time to see what all is damaged. It would probably be quicker.
I agree completely, i wish i had enough time and money to go through everything. Im trying it right now turning the motor with a breaker bar and my wifes help, so far so good. As far as things being damaged i confirmed 3 pushrods are bent and 3 valves were stuck closed. Im suspecting the cam is okay since it had plenty of lift to bend the living hell out of the pushrods. Im hoping carbon or caked on oil deposits cause this, in that case it may work, if the valve guides are screwed up its going to bend the valves and ruin the pushrods again im sure, either way worse case scenario i pull the head off, i've planned on this anyways but if this fixed it that works too.