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Old 07-26-2010, 06:06 PM   #24
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Re: Wish we could save them all!

My glass guy has three 69 ElCaminos sitting in the weeds, they have been there for at least 25 years, rotting into the ground. I have asked to buy one of them almost every year, he always says "I'm gonna fix em up one day", I know he will never do anything with them, I hope he wills them to me when he dies! My wife helps out an old woman with a 70 Blazer that just sits in her shed, it's well protected but just sits there, I beg her all the time to sell it to me but she wont budge. It is in perfect condition inside and out, it even has AC. Her husband died about twenty years ago and it hasnt been drivin since. I think she is afraid to sell it because her husband loved it so much. At least it's safe.
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