Thread: some updates?
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Old 07-27-2010, 08:25 AM   #22
Getting Old; Going Broke
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Re: some updates?

Originally Posted by joe231 View Post
Hey Thomas, the guy I sold the '80 to is going to pull off the 73-74 grill and go with something else. I can check with him if he wants to sell or give it back to me if you need it...
Did you fail to do a background check on this guy before you let him purchase your truck?
Funk, this Tulsa grille is a 'bust'. Said he has had tons of calls (don't they always say that?) but no one bought it. After speaking with him some, seems it is broken.
Why is every used 350 sbc out of a corvette?
There's only two things that excite a man, expensive toys and real expensive toys.
VEGETARIAN: That's an old Indian word meaning "I don't hunt so good."
When the going gets tough, switch to power tools.
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