Originally Posted by silvereagle07
I think it will look great funk. Like John said do a write up so we can follow your lead.
sure will! Hope more people follow suit
Originally Posted by joe231
He said I should be able to get it from him this Friday.
I'll let you know...
Sweet, lemme kno joe!
Originally Posted by RandyP
Did you fail to do a background check on this guy before you let him purchase your truck?
Funk, this Tulsa grille is a 'bust'. Said he has had tons of calls (don't they always say that?) but no one bought it. After speaking with him some, seems it is broken.
Haha, they sure do! And thanks for checking for me anyways! Appreciate it!
Originally Posted by swb85
Great looking truck man! What kind of drop? Stance looks awesome!
Originally Posted by okndnx
Can you post info on the drop and the wheel tire specs
On the drop, no clue, has shackles, and melted leafs, no spindles, just melted springs, tires are 255/50 in front and 275/50 in rear