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Old 07-27-2010, 02:58 PM   #1
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Location: niagara, ontario
Posts: 109
4l80 - t400 np205

I have a 1991 gmc v3500 OBS right now its got a 4l80 up to a 205,
the 4l80 isn't right and needs a rebuild. (1300 using stock converter)
what i want to do is just put in a TH400 but i still want to have the 205, I have heard that 2wd 400 has a 32 spline output, and my 205 is 32 spline input . Is there something i'm missing (e.g. male/female shafts etc.)

1991 V3500 350TBI/4l80/205 D60/14bff - Crew long
1987 IrocZ-28 525 horse/567 Lb Tq 383
1976 K30 on 39.5s One wheel drive thanks to a np203
and some K5's lol
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