Re: To seal or not to seal, that is the question?
Originally Posted by turp mcspray
The product that I like to use is called "Bedding and Glazing Compound" by 3M. Part #08509. It comes in a caulking style tube. It stays soft and plyable, and doesn't dry up like urethane does.(I personally would not use urethane in this situation) If you have a leak, you can pull the rubber back and squeeze some in between the rubber and body, or the rubber and glass, without having to remove the windshield. If you look in the factory assembly manual, you will see how the factory installed them WITH some strip caulk in the pinchweld portion of the rubber. Hope this helps you out.
You can do that also with product i described, It's called windo-weld and is made by 3M . yes it comes in a caulk tube and is black.
But in all honesty, Use what ever you decide to just don't use silicone.
*We could learn a lot from crayons... Some are sharp; some are pretty;and some are dull. Some have weird names; and all are different colours;but they all have to live in the same box.
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* Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once.
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1. Never sweat the small stuff!
2. Everything is small stuff!