Thanks everyone for you support
Originally Posted by RandyP
Whatever you do, keep that front end! Beautiful.
I am planning on it! IMO round eyes go with step sides!
Originally Posted by spudz
The jimmy has a different frame but if it was mine, i would just rebuild what I have. these trucks are pretty basic. I think swapping the bodys would just be a hassle IMHO. I am sorry about your bro and I hope you get the old truck back on the road!
I kinda figured the Jimmy's frame wouldn't work,
The frame that's on it now is not the original frame (i forgot to mention that) The frame had been cracked (from what I remember) due to having Hydraulics and driving low (it was the cool thing to do at the time) and my brother hit a pothole (may have been driving faster than he should have) and the frame cracked on or near the motormounts? I was young(er) at the time so don't remember the details... BUT the cab and bed swap have already been done. I just remember it took about 6 guys to move the cab...
as far as the "swap" goes I think it would be more cost efficient to get it up and running again rather than doing it piece by piece...
some of the things i know for sure it needs to make it drivable
1) Driveshaft
about $100
2) rear end (from what i remember it wobbles when driving)
About $200
3) Radiator & hoses/support etc...
about $150
4) Windshield (has a big crack through it, and won't pass inspection)
about $100
5) Tires
depending on if i get a set of used tires between $150 and $650
6) Brakes... (not sure if whats on it is any good anymore)
so I can spend anywhere between $700-$1200 (keep in mind im just estimating prices based on a few visits to the junkyard and browsing online for prices)
Buy an already Running (or Semi-Running) '73-'87 Shortbed and do the engine, tranny , cab and bed swap for about the same price range (and I would get extra parts

Anyone ever done this?