Originally Posted by KAC
Where have you seen this truck at? It hasn't been around in about 15 years?
Thanks man.
Prolly in the late 80's, when the crusing scene was popular.
I cruzed my nova everywhere..didnt matter where.
Back then it was Ascarate park on sundays, Monopoly's on friday nites.
Monopoly's is closed now, its a china buffet now. Same parking lot where barnes and nobles is...that parking lot held @ least 300 cars! lol!
Friday Nites was Industrial park for illegal drag racing...way later was 54 in the north east.
Low Riders and Low Rider Car Clubs use to hang out in parking lots around North Loop Street and Alameda. I think with business owners permission cuz those clubs were huge.
But now when the gang violence grew, all that came to an end. Then when fast and the furious came out...that really put a nail on the coffin with the crusing. Bad apples ruined it for everyone.
Last but not least Ultra wheels and Phatom tops were a big deal back then (late 80's early 90's).
That top has some funky material, cuz its not vinyl right?
That truck looks like a blast from the past! im glad it survived!