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Old 07-28-2010, 07:13 PM   #6
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Re: I'm Looking for factory air for my 1966 k10

66chevutah - when someone says "factory" air for a 66 C10, that's exactly what pops up in my mind - but to answer the original question - yes, there is such an animal as factory a/c - I have been looking also, and I don't know anyone that makes the dash a/c outlet - I was hoping to install a newer system and patch it to a factory set-up in the cab. So far, I 've found zilch.

Which, by the way, is why I'm headed to Carlisle the weekend of 6-8 August - it's the Carlisle Truck only show. If I find 2, I'll grab them and share, but I'm not holding my breath that I'll even find 1. Will probably just come home with another pair of fuzzy dice and a stomach ache from all the elephant ears and chili dogs...

and that's ok.
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