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Old 05-31-2003, 11:28 PM   #7
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Location: Huntsville Ontario Canada
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I used a cabinet hinge from our Home Depot. I need a pair of LED's to complete it . I had to cut the entire stake pocket out behind where the light goes. and cut 1/16" (the thickness of the cutting disk) out from under the light and weld the piece back in place. flip the tail light housing so that the bulb is at the bottom of the box side. I needed to mount the hinge there, and also keeps the amount of stress on the wires down. Oh I needed to sand the lip on the lens down a bit just a basic recontour so that it would not hit ther bottom of the box side when opening. I used 120 paper on a block the 400 the 2000 the polishing compound. looks perfect.

I am happy that I did not give up.
1968 Suburban numbers matching all original truck now equipped with 6.0/4L80 on Accuair
1967 C/20 6.0/4L80 Roofing Truck
1990 V2500 Suburban "Plow Truck"
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