Help ID my T-case?
My transfer case out of an '85 3/4 ton brub. Date stamps all read 84&85, so I'm thinking it's original. But it does have excess amounts of gasket sealer in places, so I'm guessing it's been into.
Found two large casting numbers. First is C-15085, second one is C-15164. Don't remember right off which one is on the front of the t-case and which was on the rear, but they were each on a different half of the case.
It does have "NP" in a couple of places. but no obvious "203, 205, or 208" on it anywhere.
Thanks for any help. If this doesn't get it, then I'll take and post some pics of it.
You only need two tools in life - WD-40 and Duct Tape. If it doesn't move and should, use the WD-40. If it shouldn't move and does, use the duct tape.
If a hammer doesn't fix it, you have an electrical problem!
Slot Cars, 1:24 Scale, 100MPH@100,000RPM, fastest things on wheels!
Last edited by Psycho71; 07-31-2010 at 05:53 PM.