Re: Gear Selector
I posted that on another thread this morning. I may have to do a tech article on it but I am leaving on vacation next weekend.
Basically it involves cutting the stock steering column "TUBE" off the box and shaft so that you can slip the later column over the shaft. You would have to use a pipe or tube cutter or work your way around it with a hack saw so as not to damage the steering shaft. The big problem with this is that you would have to figure out how to keep the new column up in place. I haven't tried it yet but was planning on cutting the original tube so that the new one butted against it so that it ended up at the original length when I was done.
probably the simplest and easiest is to weld the two arms together and use the stock column shifter as the automatic shifter. You would have to make up a shift rod from that arm (you may be able to use a stock shift rod from the 3 speed) and make up a shift lever for the transmission. Probably the simple thing there would be to buy one of the aftermarket adjustable ones. That would probably save half a day of trying to get it right.
There is an aftermarket neutral safety switch that uses a Ford switch that bolts on the side of the transmission. The bracket bolts to the pan bolts. That would solve the neutral safety issue.