Thread: Fix my carb!
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Old 08-01-2010, 02:02 PM   #5
the pollock
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Re: Fix my carb!

under partial throttle (about 2k rolling) it'll "pop" like as in a fuel delivery issue feel.. then it'll come back to life. it'll do this sporadicall under partial throttle.
(this is why i thought it was a vac secondary issue at first)
under full throttle 3200=3500 ish. no power and sounds like it's outta gas, tach needle jumps also.
but then comes to life and has full power again until about 5 k..

I will (later this week) reset the carb back to factory settings.
but i was really looking for a recommended setting from yall besides factory.
like jets , powervalve and spring combo..
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