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Old 08-01-2010, 09:18 PM   #500
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Re: Project - '69 4x4 named "Patches"

I'm all ready for the promotion, just waiting for PA to get their act together. Only allowed to have x amount of Majors in the state so even though i'm eligible, in the spot and doing the job I can't get promoted until they have the "control grade" as they call it... Only costs me about $900 a month for their mis-management in the past.

I have seen a few of those rockers split like that to fit...
The Garage:
1968 K-10 SWB - "Project Money Pit"
1996 Z-71 - "huntin rig"
1969 C-10 LWB (SOLD) "Project flip that truck or else"
1993 Passport, F@rd 1-ton (SOLD)"Project Cousin Eddie"

My Garage Build "The 1,000 footer"
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