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Old 08-01-2010, 09:48 PM   #4
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Re: help with firewall holes

doing the same thing myself on a 62 cab. I talked to my grandfather (who has built numerous street rods) and he told me that he usually welded them all up and just re-drilled new ones where he needed them as needed. THe only ones i left on mine were the ones for the heater bolts and hoses, and the brake push rod hole for the master cylinder and attatching bolts--3 i believe.

I will put in a universal wiring harness, and probabally just use 1 hole (i hope). I will also have to drill a hole for the clutch linkage since i am using a 63 frame and a 63 clutch pedal which was swapped out with the 62 clutch pedal.
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