Originally Posted by James McClure
Also note, I would check the shift linkage under the truck where the goes from the trans to the frame. At the frame end there should be a teflon button with a spring behind it. The springs are noted to rust away leaving the linkage sloopy. The button will last forever. If you find this, remove the linkage and put a new spring in and adjust the linkage. Make sure trans is in neutral, make sure gearshift is in the neutral "gate", then tighten the linkage back up again. After that do what Keith said to do and you'll be good to go. Grease everything up good. Jim
Originally Posted by softballnrd27
There isn't a spring or button to my knowledge, so I will look into getting one.
My bushing (button) is missing in action. You guys have any Idea where to get one? Maybe even a part number?