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Old 08-05-2010, 10:33 PM   #4
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Posts: 17
Re: 3 Speed Bolt out Swap for M20

Ray - thank you for the info. Just what I was looking for.

I agree about the Saginaw - the 350 is putting out around 325 and it ate up that 3 speed with very little abuse.

As for changing out the slip yoke and / or clutch pack, i am fine with either or both, - its just a matter of not knowing what I don't know right now.

I was looking at putting in a rebuilt M20, but most everything I come across is 26In / 32Out - (ie this) and I am unsure what changes are needed to handle that.

I guess to put it plainly - if i wanted to put in a new / rebuilt M20 (or M22) and I was currently running the Sig 3 speed, what all parts am I looking at?
  • The new trans (lets assume is a 26/32)
  • New shifter (Hurst universal?)
  • New cluch pack (11 or 10 inche?) with the 26 spline inner gear / hub
  • New 32 spline slip yoke
  • New or shortend drive shaft?
  • others??
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