Thread: 1962 Chevy C20
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Old 08-06-2010, 09:17 AM   #1
Apollo 62C20
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1962 Chevy C20

Hey folks-
I have been lurking/learning here for a while while my wife and I searched for a truck and we have finally scored. I have taken a lot of pictures since I bought it a couple of weeks ago and I will post them here as I get the chance.

I first saw this truck 2 years ago when we bought our house. It was sitting in a back yard near the house with it's sister truck (a dismantled 64 step-side) looking quite in need of attention. After 3 notes left with the owners wife and about a years time, the owner called and said he was ready to sell. He and the previous owner (owner#1) were lifelong friends and both worked at Cape Kennedy on the Apollo 6 and 11 projects. I am a life long space nut and scientist so this was a MAJOR BONUS for me. I limped it home (1 block) and set to work.

My main goal is to keep it on the road for a few more years when I will hopefully have enough money to start a full restoration. Until then I will drive it and try to fix it up a little at a time.


Here is how it sat when I found it. Or it found me....
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