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Old 08-06-2010, 10:15 AM   #1
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Tune-up Specs for '83 350/Auto

I apologize as this is going to seem a little lazy

A friend in need is bringing over an '83 he just bought tomorrow for a thorough tune-up. The guy's out of work and he's doing side jobs on his he's completely dependent on it. I figured I'd work back to front changing fluids, etc.

I'm a '72 guy...and I wasn't able to find a service manual locally that covers the '83 (go figure). I'm trying again tonight at a few other shops...but would someone be willing to post/PM "the basics" of fluid types and capacities, timing specs, etc? I've got a good NAPA locally that I can get the filters, gaskets, etc. from but I trust this group far more regarding the other information

Sorry :/
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