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Old 08-06-2010, 03:07 PM   #6
Retired Air Force Veteran
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Re: Disc Brake questions

I gather, your 68 C/10 has 6 lug drums all the way around. I have a 69' Step Side and it had 6 lug Drums and I converted to a 5 lug setup from a 71. There was a power brake booster in the truck already. I used that and it works just fine. As far as other stuff to make the change over, Cdowns has already mentioned the proportioning valve and yes the Master Cylinder. You also mentioned you were going to get tie rods. It's real simple, if your going to convert your front end to the 71 5 lug/disk brakes, buy the parts as if you were buying them for the 71. So when going to Autozone/Napa (I went to Advanced Auto) Tell them you need parts for a 71 not a 68. I ordered both new inner and outer tie rods and ball joints.

ALSO.........If there is a drag link on that 71 setup, TAKE IT because the taper on the 71 is different than the 67-70.

P.S. Your Brake Line routing will also change

With the right parts, it was a very smooth and easy change over
we did it in a weekend
69' SWB Step Side 1/2 Ton w/68' Front Clip
Swap from Leafs to Trailing Arms (Complete)
Swap 6 Lug to 5 Lug (w/ Disk Brakes in Front)
3/6 Drop

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