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Old 08-07-2010, 11:46 AM   #5
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Re: Stupid tire question

They are 16.5 wheels, and they are wider than stock. The wheels are slots and I believe they're 9 wide or so.

They were aired up when I got them - I stored them stacked up on each other sideways for a year or two and I'm assuming a slow leak just totally deflated two of the four. So, what I mean is there isn't a huge hole letting the air out as soon as it goes in, other than where it's not sealing.

The thing is, the tires need to be replaced anyway, but I wanted to fit them on the truck to make sure there aren't any clearance problems before dropping the cash on 4 new 33 16.5 tires. Many on here say don't worry they'll fit, but...I need to verify.

Anyway, point is, getting them aired up at a tire shop may be a liability from their point of view since the tires are so gone. I'll try the ratchet straps (can't hurt, it's free!) and then take them to a shop if necessary.

And I think I'll skip the redneck method. As red as my neck is, I stop when it comes to fire. Been there done that

Last edited by pmpski_1; 08-07-2010 at 11:48 AM.
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