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Old 08-07-2010, 08:04 PM   #13
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Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Snohomish County, WA
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Moving forward

So here it is in place:

and here are some of the transmission cross member you can probably see some of my concers:

^ with the camera prependicular to the yoke face of the front axle.

^ and from the just behind.

You can see the clearance was just barely there. Well the spacer I had in there between the stock crossmember (moved back about 2") and the transmission was a 2" x 3" .120 wall box tube. So I put in a 2" x 4" and picked up more. But there is only +/- .5" between the upper most parts of the TCase and the floor pan.

The extra inch also helped reduce the dirve shaft angles:

^ this was with the 3" spacer in.

Plus I ground down the rivets and removed on the upper TCase xmember seen on this photo:

So that's the up date. Next, fire the engine! I have never heard it run and it makes me a little nervous. Brakes: The MC and Hydroboost are from a 86 military truck and the ports are BEASTLY. plus I need to figure out where to plumb in a preassure reducing/ proportioning valve. And the Clutch.. Russell makes a fitting to convert the factory master/slave fittings to AN fittings. Very nice pieces.
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