There wasn't much info about softops when I got mine.
The purpose of this is to show more details of parts and installing...
I switch from a hardtop in Winters so this is a Spring install.
This is a Kayline Fastrac Top. I got it 2 weeks before they shut down.
Now the company is Specialty Tops. I had a choice of Bestop and Kayline,
I chose Kayline because of less drilling.
It took a day to install when I 1st got it. The top lays across the back when down,
the spare can't be on the inside mount so it lays on the floor
and you'd probably get sopin wet if you had to put it up quick in a rainstorm...
All the parts have to come off for the hardtop except the back fastrac rail
It's the black line across top of tailgate...
Here's the parts except the top and 3 windows that zip on.
Hardtop is hanging and the softop with all windows on...