well, been stock piling parts now for the upcoming "update" to the 82, i was originally going to get the 60/40 bench redone and leave the interior blue in my truck (new paint job was going to be blue) but, recently i have had the urge to do something out of the ordinary, and i have always bein IN LOVE with the white and yellow hill's truck, well, i was cleaning my closet and found a quart of yellow paint i forgot about (was about to buy a quart of blue for jambing and back of fenders for my truck) so why not do that, on a round eye? well, i decided also to do interior black, well, came acroos these seats FOR FREE! i want to use the rear seat from the car, make backings, and make it into a bench for the truck, i'm just not sure if it's too narrow, although the truck is really being built for my g/f (soon to be wife!) i think the smaller seat and "hug" it has will suit her (she likes the seat idea) but, if it doesnt work, i also got the buckets! plan on maybe using them without a headrest, but again, we'll see! opinions and ideas welcome!
and if anyone says, why'd you wet them, all the electronics may not work...i want planning on using them anyways...