Re: chassis swap
Don't think it would be too much of a problem to drop a 350 in a stock chassis. Should hold up fairly well... just a matter of welding in mounts for the engine and a crossmember for the trans.
Most decide on the S10 swap for the IFS and power steering. Something tells me that a 63 year old truck was never designed to do 80 mph down the interstate... so unless you're looking at a remainder drivetrain upgrade (something a little more modern) I think you'll be running that 350 pretty lightly.
Some of the reasons I opted for the swap was those I mentioned earlier, that, and the fact that you can get suspension parts at any Autoparts store across the country. That, and after all, you'll be wanting to upgrade the rear end anyways since the old torq tubes don't quite mesh up to a modern trans.
Not that I'm saying the S10 is the only way to go, but if you keep the old frame style, I think you'll find some sort of clip swap, mustang II or some other mods for the front and a new rear end is in your future anyways.
Just my two bits,
'51 Chevy Build - In the design stages
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