I have been checking this site out for awhile now and have actually posted a few replies and have to say I have found it to be very informative and helpful deciding which direction to go with my truck.
I have built many Chevelle's over the years a couple of rock crawlers and even one 1970 stepside about 15 years ago. I recently came across a 1971 Chevrolet Cheyene LWB that had been sitting in a barn for many years. I know many will cringe at what I'm about to say, but I'm turning it into a SWB. Even after sitting for so many years this truck starts and runs so smooth it is unbelievable. The original owners grandson unfortunately drove it for about one year and during this time he cut out the dash for a stereo and the door for speakers.
Since I have decided to make this a SWB I have also aquired a 69 SWB minus the bed. So I will be using the 69 short frame and a few other parts from it but will for the most part just part it out to help fund the 71.
I have started to collect parts already but I am going to continue to drive the 71 until the last possible moment of the frame of build. I am going to start on the 69 frame very shortly and get a complete rolling chasis before tearing down the 71.
Here are some pics, tell me what you think.