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Old 08-11-2010, 03:43 PM   #5
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Re: Seat Question...

Originally Posted by Kas68c10 View Post
haha, so just don't have her ride in it ya think?
There's an option I didn't think of!

Seriously, I bought seats that are high backs and super comfortable, with all kind of adjustments. They also accept 5 point harnesses, but just don't fit the character of my truck.

They will tilt forward somewhat, but they hit the top of the windshield when fully tilted. So, I would recommend something without much of a headrest to give you more tilt, access would be improved to rear entry

Also, consider the side seat bolster, mine are high and makes you go up and over it for entry, seemed to rip and pull it somewhat.

I'll check my thread and see if I have any pics

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AS usual, off topic

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Last edited by jaros44sr; 08-11-2010 at 03:58 PM.
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