My memory is failing me
Hello all, I've been looking thru the site for the last couple weeks and I have to say there are some BEAUTIFUL!!! trucks here.
Well I have a question and was hoping that with the wealth of knowledge here someone can help me.
When I was little my dad had a 76' GMC shorty stepside. It was that wonderful seventy's brown color and had three big stripes down the sides that started darker at the top and got lighter near the bottom. It had buckets and a console and a set of cragar S\S's on it. It was loud and mom hated it but dad and I loved it. He affectionately named her "honey bell". It was getting pretty rusty and had holes in the floorboards. He ended up selling it to one of my sister's ex-husbands a couple of years before I got my license and it broke my heart. The last time I saw it he had the ugliest set of white wagon wheels and a big ugly camper top on it. That was back around 93' or so and I haven't seen one like it in years.
So, all these years later I'm trying to remember back as to what model it was. All those hours riding in the passenger seat and I can't remember what it said on the dash.
Does Sierra Grande sound right? My mind keeps telling me it was High sierra classic on the side but I'm pretty sure there was a Grande in there somewhere. Oh yeah it had dual tanks as well. I would love to find one like it but I doubt there are many left. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks.
Last edited by nicksta43; 08-13-2010 at 05:42 PM.
Reason: finish post